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Litton Parish is a thriving community with plenty of clubs and events to get involved in throughout the year.

Millers Dale and District WI

  • Meetings take place in Litton Village Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm and there is always a Guest Speaker.  As well as the regular meeting they host coffee morning and go on lots of outings. 

There is no age limit and although men are not permitted to be members, they are welcome to attend any of the Guest Speaker meetings as an associate.

An annual membership is payable to the National WI, who provide a monthly magazine.

Upcoming speakers at the monthly meeting and forthcoming events are:

Sheila Yarranton – Christmas Crafts – Wednesday 8th November

Christmas Lunch – Wednesday 13th December

Cressbrook Band

Cressbrook band, is a sociable, non competing, community band who meet in Cressbrook Club on a Tuesday and Thursday night between 7.30pm and 9pm.  It is not compulsory to attend both nights. 

No previous experience of playing a musical instrument is necessary as there is a training band who practise on Monday and Fridays between 6.30pm and 7.15pm on the first floor of the Old Grammar School in Tideswell, behind the church (next to the library).

There is no charge for lessons and an instrument will be provided.

Funds to support the band are raised by performing at village events and private functions.

For more information please visit their website

Unravelled - Knit, Crochet, Sew, Craft and Natter Group

The group is run very informally and members bring their own projects to the meetings such as knitting, felting & crocheting and enjoy a natter and refreshments while they craft. 


In September they will be running some crocheting workshops. 

The group meets on a Tuesday evening between 7.30pm and 9pm and each session currently costs £2, which covers the hall hire.  Everyone is welcome.

For more information contact Carol - 07702 092697 or Bridget - 07989 450351

Litton C of E Primary Toddler Group

The Group meets every Thursday during term time 10.30am - 11.30am in the school hall. 

Entry is free and refreshments are provided.

For more information telephone 01298 871449

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